

Dragon Fairy

My dragon fairy. I hear they are like good-luck dragons. She is pretty cute. I think I will keep her.


The moment my first and only daughter is laid on my chest looking eye to eye bewildered by the world around her the connection is instant. Life is starting and every moment is a lesson tied to another lesson. I am a daily witness to the precious evolution of life. I am completely honored I have been chosen for the task at hand and pray daily I never take my role for granted.

There are other occasions when life is terribly complicated and seem unfair. One wonders how the world survives and revives. Concepts once simplistic and minute overwhelm the psyche in a lonesome search for solutions. Sometimes blessings. Sometimes struggles. Sometimes enigmas waiting to unfold.

Peep! Peep! Peep peep peep!

Little Lucy is a good helper. The chicks stay under a heat lamp at night because the nights are still cool then are moved to a coop during the day. Lucy is so strong moving her feathered friends. She is sure to offer kisses on each chick's head as they are moved to the next location. Lucy has also learned how to hold the chicks then promptly puts them down. I think she has declared her favorites. The smallest of the bunch.


Spring is here!

It's springtime for Lucy in Kentucky. We are loving this weather. We bought more chicks. Lucy was a little intimated, but yesterday I finally encouraged her to hold one. Hopefully next time it will be long enough to capture a photo.