A country without hope is a dangerous precedent. Soon solutions are sought through emotions and irrational anger: The French Revolution, the end of the Russian Czar, and the hostile communism regime conquering China. The American people, eight years ago, were promised Hope and Change, which should have been a positive surge of pride, but the ultimate foully removed pride from American ingenuity. Instead of encouraging the private sector to thrive and produce Hope and Change truly meant government can offer hope and government will provide changes. Translation: stifling control and disabling dependence. A handicapped economy has resulted with the people demanding for more entitlement from a bankrupted government, financially and morally.
One does not have to search far for a hopeless person. While being checked out for a utility knife the middle-aged cashier requested my ID for the birthdate. When I responded surprised I would use the knife as a weapon the disgruntle cashier replied, “Just shows what is becoming of our country.” This poor hopeless woman who probably intended to be retired enjoying the grandkids stood eight hours scanning items and interacting with customers she could not care less about. Earlier that day I stopped by a feed shop to buy chicks, however when I entered the store the owner greeted me with an explanation that the chicks had not been delivered to the correct address and it would be another month. I felt sorry for the owner because of the loss of sales. When I voiced my regret for his circumstances he despondently said, “That’s life.” A few days later while eating lunch at a restaurant an elderly woman, charmed my daughter’s sweet smile, remarked how cute she was and “what a shame the country will become” during her lifetime. It was an odd pronouncement to declare to a complete stranger, yet another testimony of the people’s dire concern for the state of this country.
As the elections of 2016 continue to unfold the make-up of the people is revealing. Everyone has a different complaint leading to a different solution. What is ever more astonishing is rather than the people demanding freedom to innovate and rebuild after nearly eight years of oppression people are establishing a kingship to rule their lives, aka Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump. The people are searching for a savior to fix their woes and they are seeking refuge amongst the most irresponsible, lawless scoundrels all in the name of a revolution.
I make no bones that I am a Ted Cruz supporter, but I am also a God fearing woman who desperately wants to be under God’s protective covering. To me this means being a responsible individual who helps our neighbors in need, who loves people no matter the background who serves unconditionally and falls before God for guidance and wisdom as a declaration that God is sovereign. Perhaps this is too religious for most, but read the writings of our forefathers (not the interpretation of a scholar) and you will understand the framework of our country was founded on Christian principles, Godly faith. “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –John Adams
I suppose this is why our courts are trying to change our constitution.
In response to the Clinton and Sanders supporters, I am un-waivered. Give a little gift without incentive and more will be demanded. Soon the end result will be communism where 100% income is owed to the government and all are under the umbrella of government control. If free education and healthcare with bounding stipulations are considered fair I dare you to find a successful communist state. There will always be opportunist and dictators ready to lead assuring the demise of the people’s spirit.
As to the electrification of Trump, his surge leaves me practically hopeless for the integrity of the people. A man who has become famous through tabloid scandals and reality T.V. bullying demands our respect to repair the fractures of our country’s infrastructure seems laughable. The man is being followed and revered because he is bombastic and ruthless, not because he is demonstrating solutions. He behaves unorthodoxly for ratings that praise unconventional demeanor, not substantial answers. When Trump does provide his opinion he unveils himself as far left as his Democratic rivals, but all in the name of conservatism.
People are willing to fight, humiliate, and destroy driven by emotions and irrational anger. Where are Trump’s credentials? Does not matter. He is an outsider. He is apart from the elites and establishment politicians. Oh, but wait!
Trump was raised as a millionaire. He has lived as a billionaire. He has wined and dined with the Clintons, Harry Reid, Mayor Bloomberg, and John Boehner. He has used lobbyists and lawyers to persuade his agendas according to business dealings. Trump is very much an establishment insider for the Democratic and Republican parties. His talons reach far and deep. I am told anyone is better than Hillary Clinton, who will continue the Obama legacy, but no one is admitting being ruled by an imperial nationalist could be just as toxic.
In Judges 9:8-15 Jotham tells a parable predicting the rule of King Alimelek. There are a group of trees looking for a king to rule over them. After being turned down by several different kinds of trees finally a thornbush agrees to be king. It is at this point I heard a storyteller’s interpretation of how the story may have continued so I hope I am able to do it justice:
The Thornbush began to grow tightly around the trees and they pleaded, “Please! You are crushing us.” To which the Thornbush replied, “But I am your king.” On hot days the trees grew thirsty but the Thornbush planted his roots deeper to claim the water. “Please, Thornking, let us have water,” the trees begged. “But I am your king,” he replied. The Thornbush began driving his thorns deeper in the trees’ side causing them to wither in pain screaming for relief. “But I am your kind,” demanded the Thornking.
The trees knew they had chosen poorly and would surely die so with the last bit of strength they called out to God in the heavens crying out in anguish, “Lord God, forgive us. We were wrong to choose the Thornbush over you as king. You are creator of heaven and earth. You have made us all. You are mighty and powerful. You offer life and bring death. Have mercy on us, oh wonderful, father.”
Suddenly, the sun blazed so hot the Thornbush burst into flames releasing its grasp upon the trees and turning to ash. The trees breathed in freedom and waved their branched in praise shouting for joy to the Lord. The Lord sent a warm breeze and water to rejuvenate their roots. The trees never forgot those dark days and told their children of the only one true God king.
Perhaps, the story is overdramatic, however if the people of the United States do not place their faith and trust in the one true God our nation will fall. Whether the president is Clinton or Trump. Whether the House or the Senate are controlled by Democrats or Republicans. Whether we allow transgender restrooms or not. If we are not crying to God for direction and protection we are a fallen nation.
John Adams also said, “When legislature is corrupted, the people are undone.” I think we are already there. But there is a solution. A remedy is possible, on our knees in prayer asking for mercy and wisdom. Otherwise, judgment will fall.