
Over the river and through the woods to enjoy the great outdoors

As apart of the Covid-19 lockdown some of our more visited hiking destinations were either closed or so highly populated because there was little else to do I was in want of some more places to explore.
Within the last two months I have discovered two new trails to add to my repertoire and have loved exploring and sharing the discovery with my oldest child. Though the most dainty she is proving to me tolerant and even curious of my shenanigans.
It works especially well when I tell my daughter we are doing something special that no one else knows about and we get to enjoy it all to ourselves. Like, taking a trail through the woods that leads to a playground otherwise barricaded for a driving entrance.
Having outside exercise has never been more important. Its even better if I can get us outdoors before the heat intensifies. I am extremely grateful there are plenty of places to explore and discover and hopefully there will be many more to find.


The Unthinkable

Imagine a great evil force destroying all good and peaceful society. What would be the targets?

First: Isolation. Locking people in prison preventing social interaction or companionship. There is a declaration any exchange of friendship is strictly forbidden, except by digital air. The soul would be injured. The will to hope would be smashed. The same four walls are the only four walls you get to see. Soon you wonder, "Does anyone care?" You start to feel forgotten, unimportant, invisible. Its the same day every day. Nothing changes. Nothing new. The breath of your spirit is squashed.

Second: Your livelihood has been forced closed. You are told your skills or service are no longer important. You sit empty day after day with no work no income believing you are no longer necessary. The world keeps spinning yet no one seems to notice your absence form society. Your confidence is diminished.

Then come the accusations. You are a criminal. You are hateful. You are ignorant. You are completely unfair. You don't deserve your life or your desires. You are wrong. Everything about who you are is wrong.

Next: Mass confusion is flung catching like wildfire. Reports of truth then turns to lies. News is no longer news. They are tricks. Then other news speaks completely contradicting the orignal news. Mistrust runs rampant because no one knows what truth looks like. Like a giant megaphone noise keeps belting forth hurting your ears. You have no idea how to turn off the volume. Insanity is the only ringing you can hear.

Finally, anger turns to rage flashing in red spraying across one household to the next. The rage pounds on your door ready to knock it down as you cower in darkness hoping it will all pass as a very dreadful nightmare.

The perfect recipe to topple a freedom loving society has been formed. Everyone has been injured, demoralized. No one can trust or rely on one another. Feelings of revenge and raging injustice reign supreme. All of it will burn in consuming flames leaving nothing but ashes. Can you imagine?

What makes me disheartened about this virus more than battling an actual virus of human cells is we are fighting a disease that is destroying the human psyche. Which is becoming much more destructive every day. Whether today's climate is a creation of human design or nature's natural selection the results are quite nefarious with sinister opportunities. Looking around I see person after person who is suffering. Not because they are sick with SARS-COV-2 but because the economy is creating job loss, people are dying from other causes without family or friends to comfort, there helplessness without a shoulder to lean on. There is so much pain. Then me as a mother, how do I interpret all the changes to my children? I could say the world is a crazy place and we are better off not interacting with it. Originally I was willing to hide and stick my head in the sand waiting for everything to blow over. However, I have read a lot of research papers and I am no longer afraid of a sphere shaped invader. I am afraid we will forget how to love one another with a hug and acts of kindness. This disease that is attacking every mind across the planet. Yet, I pray will be defeated by the loving victorious arm of Jesus Christ. I haven't been a perfect mom locked up with my kids, but I have had plenty of life lessons to teach we are not perfect, we need God, and the virus will lose. The End


Its been a long time.

My apologies for being absent for so very long. It is my goal to write more regularly. Hopefully I will be more inspired to take time to address my thoughts. I have three children. Unless God would like to work a miracle I will only have three children. I am still homeschooling. My eldest is starting first grade this year. If you notice the date of this post you are well aware of the crazy times amongst us. It is my intention to address these times and my feelings as a mother, a wife, and a citizen of this planet. If I organize my thoughts carefully it will get political. Hopefully spiritual. Most certainly honestly. This is my heads up. Lord willing it can be helpful. Best wishes, my friends!