This was an amazing day. The husband had some work to attend to and a result of a previous rainy day I needed to offer an autumn harvest fun day. Well. Well. Well. I found the perfect farm. Terrific weather. Gorgeous scenery. Ideal timing and the kids behaved great. It was so much fun. This day will definitely be vaulted away in the great memories file.
Formally known as Generalized Ramblings and Rantings of Spring, I have since become a mom. I have many questions, observations, and lessons learned as I muddle my way through this new and most important identity. Don't be surprised if you disagree with my opinions. I am opinionated, conservative, and charismatic. These are my words and if you find yourself offended please feel free to read else where.
A Blast from My Past
There is a new documentary set to be released called The Jesus Music about the evolution of contemporary Christian music. I was reminded of this song I thought was absolutely hilarious in 1990 and after listening to it today is still humorous. It was enjoyable to share this song with my girls as they mouthed the words along with my panomiming. I'm not sure how well known Sandi Patty currently is but she's worth a listen.