

For the past three days Boone, NC has been submerged in gray clouds, rain, and dense fog. When Sunday morning awoke the clouds rolled on revealing blue skies still exit. The sun was permitted to shine summoning the birds to sing and dance. As the fog faded away the mountains exposed what once was stagnate unimpressive isolation now became budded with life of lush greenness.

For the past months spring's arrival suffered denial from entering the High Country. Her persistence had finally redeemed entrance. The Dogwoods and the Azaleas and the red buds and the Rhoadendras and the Phlox and the daisies and the Hydrangeas and the Tulips proved their brilliance by resilience. The opportunity for renewal arrived.

After much patience not to mention frustration from being haggled I finally received my Christmas present from my parents. I had been given a Nikon D70 digital SLR camera by my mother and father's kind generosity, however I was under the impression I could find a camera for the same price but contain more megapixels. Thus, I had my eye on the Nikon D80- 5 mgpx verses 10.2 mgpx. I "Googled" (strange how a proper noun can now be used as a verb) the D80 camera finding a variety of price ranges. I soon learned the expression, If it is too good to be true it probably is to be very correct. I dealt with many New York camera companies acting in dishonesty scares of truth offering terrible customer service. I ordered the camera from three different companies only to cancel each time because of the discovered scam. In the end, thanks to a nice tax refund, I made up for the difference in cost to buy the D80 from a reputable company.

Just las week I was at last handed the long awaited gift. Never regretting the decision my difficulty was well worth the endured wait. I have been trigger happy ever since.

This new camera I hope will bring new opportunities for work to me. I have discovered that my camera eye has become lazy and less focused. However, I am beginning to exercise myself once again with the hope of gaining the sense for good composition. The realm of digital photography no doubt I have tried to fight for the simple principle although I definitely recognize the convenience. The acknowledge fact is that I no longer have access to darkrooms or large scale printers has been a major factor of my productivity, or lack of. I see this digital gift as an opportunity to avoid the latter excuses reuniting myself with my love for creativity. Though my ambition is meager I now have the choice to overcome lack of motivation to explore new options. I find myself building up with excitement.

As the signs of spring finally appear- leaves showing off in fullness, saturated blue skies contrasting deep clouds- I am most intrigued by the newness I can capture. Having a new dog along side my already adorable old dog makes for "awhhhhhhhh" moments as well. I am most impressed with the speed and the colors I am able to capture as well. Clarity as I have never known apart from extremely low film speeds. I am most impressed with what I am capable of producing right before my eyes instantaneously.

What will Spring be able to capture next?

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