
It can be glory.

Genesis 3:7
Then their eyes were opened, and they both realized they were naked.
Genesis 3:22
Then the Lord God said. "The man has become like one of us, since he knows good and evil."

While meditating on these words I wondered could is it possible with the commandment to avoid the forbidden fruit God was trying to protect us from the harsh truth- we are no where near God's equal. He created us as his children for companionship. He wanted a loving relationship where all our needs are provided. Could the first sin, instead of disobeying God, actually be mistrusting him? We have convinced ourselves God wants to have dominion over us as an overbearing king. When in truth he never meant for us to realize our inferiority, our inequality.

It might be similar to an adopted child accidentally learning his parents are not his biologically. He suddenly feels estranged. He feels an outsider. I think for Adam and Eve eating the fruit of knowledge revealed how lowly they were and abruptly shame was experienced while in God's presence. However, the adopting parents love their son. They have invested time and resources to the child. God adores his creations and wants to have daily interaction and community. He wanted to lavish provisions and encouragement, but for man that was not enough. In trying to gain greater knowledge man learned how superior God is and how minute man is. That mistake created sin that could not be within God's presence. His glory simply could not all it.

Tough love, discipline, sacrifice were grafted into humanity until the solution could redeem his people. Jesus' goals once more no matter how great his deity and how obscure our rank shows he still loves us and wants to be a father and friend.

Over time we have found new gods, but proving our self-worth, relevance, continues to be our demise. God is not this power hungry blood thirty demon we are deceived to believing. The same lie for thousands of years repeats itself over and over. In trying to prove our higher intelligence and superiority to archaic mythology the truth repeats itself. We do not have all the answers. We can not visualize the whole spectrum. We are not masters of our destiny. How much longer, how many more sacrifices will it take to convince his creation they we are made in love and he will do anything to rescue his children. We do not have to fight God to prove our rank. He has lifted us higher than we deserve. In combating him we only create a wider wedge just like Adam and Eve removed from his presence.

However, Jesus is our solution to regain admittance before the presence of God allowing our design to be complete. Once again, God sent our salvation, not as an all powerful king or extravagant dominating ruler, but a humble unassuming servant. He was a leader by serving first. Not in riches lavished with gold or expensive stone. He used his hands, whether building or healing, and reached out to anyone who would listen. Jesus, the great I am, brought himself down to our level to love and restore.

We will not understand him. The big picture will probably not be clear, but God has his reasons that are perfect and true.

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