
Charlotte's Web

I miss you, beautiful weaving creature, spinning your perfect home.
Each day began viewing your guarding presence like an angel radiating our home.
Then each night we wished you “goodnight “ and success trapping your prey.
As I descend my stairs you were the picture perfect frame of nature offering endless arachnology lessons.
I watched you wait, I watched you attack, I watched you eat, I watched you weave, I watched you grow.
Then on that faithful night all of your essence manifested into your purpose with dedication and diligence.
The egg was complete. – The trophy – left you exhausted.
Shortly after, with your prized possession suspended securely in the window's corner, you disappeared web and all.
A certain sadness wells up as we all gather by the window hoping to see your growing belly or nibble legs.
My youngest child points and calls out hoping you will magically appear.
As I walk the grounds I search for your signature web pronouncing your brilliance, but I never find you though posts and trees are consumed by nearly related cousins occupying the most promising opportunities.
I know your fate. I know what time has in store, but I am struggling to say “good-bye.”
I do promise to keep your token safe and hidden.
I just hope your offspring will enchant our home with her seasonal presence to keep your legacy living.
Farewell, Charlotte. You are missed.

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