
Why A Suburban Mom is Voting for Trump

During 2016 as the Republican candidates started announcing their bid to run for president of the United States my excitement increased. 2008 had produced squishy moderate John McCain, a maverick dressed in just another white man’s boring suit. 2012 it was Mitt Romney, a super nice centrist pushover. However, in both cases like a good little Republican I held my nose pulling the lever for “R.”

 As the list for the 2016 Republican grew longer, I knew I would not have to compromise my conscience. Finally, I might be able to vote for a true conservative, like Scott Walker who proved to act against popular convention working to balance the Wisconsin’s budget. Maybe Rand Paul, a Libertarian at heart, who always declared less government was necessary. The young Marc Rubio of Cuban decent might be a nice ethnic voice. I loved Ben Carson’s testimony of overcoming poverty to rise above cultural norms. Even Ted Cruz’s Baptist preacher rants as a fellow tea partier to balance the federal deficits was music to my ears. What I did not see coming was the ultimate reality show star riding down the escalator.

 As a housewife of three children with a nursing background living in the suburbs of the southeast I wanted to establish high standards in which to live life. If you have read any of my previous posts from 2016 you will know I was upset about Trump winning the primary. I was flat out furious Trump was selected to be the voice of the Republican party. A man who had “New York Values,” a major donor of the Democratic candidates, someone who seemed to lack all moral character was wanting my vote.

 Then all the Christian support came in like a flood. People I never thought would become political started declaring “Trump is our Cyrus,” as if we needed Trump more than God. All the acceptance and interpretation of Trump’s behavior was more than I could stomach. I had fights with my family members astonished by how trusting they could be of such a “player.”

 I thought “maybe I am crazy and irrational. Maybe I am turning into a liberal,” because all my mistrusts were aligning with the countering media. Yet I found other conservative voices just as mistrusting. I felt vindicated relying on my instincts. Then when Election day arrived for the first time in my voting history “R” was not marked for the presidential candidate.

 Please do not think I voted for “D.” In my book voting for Hillary Clinton would be like voting for Adolf Hitler.

 However, when I learned of the results, I experienced many different emotions. One was relief Hillary had not won. Another emotion was shock that all the polls had been wrong. One emotion I could not bring myself to enjoy was contentment. I was extremely concerned this pseudo-Republican lacking in any principles and descent character would cater to the whims of the liberal media and Democratic Party to receive highest praise. The name of the Republicans and Evangelicals voting for Trump would be completely tainted devastating the values of American ingenuity, prosperity, and self-reliance. Any trust in the Republican Party would fall by the wayside diminishing any credence to a self-governing republic. Essentially America would become and laughingstock of the world and the American experiment.

 What I did not expect to occur, Trump being a Pelosi and Schumer donor, was an all-out war on him. I assumed the political class including the media would sway Trump with flattery inducing him for their own agenda. It never occurred to me there would be four years of endless assaults and meaningless impeachments acting in total derangement.

 Year after year Trump surprised me with his actions and tactics. In the beginning I felt justified for my voting decision as President Trump wreaked havoc, like a bull in a china shop. I have compared the Trump administration like producing a reality show adding that expected plot twist as the unifying background music grows louder then fade to credits. There was one resignation after another from staffers and advisors who had no idea how to advise or make Trump satisfied. And the Twitter…. Why couldn’t someone grab his phone smashing it to pieces or at least recode his Twitter app preventing the tweets from ever being posted?

 In four years, President Trump had not confirmed all my worst fears, yet he did appear terribly undignified. More than ever though the barrage of demonizing attacks by the mainstream media was more apparent than ever. That maliciously vile hatred of Trump and everything he set to accomplish was so pungent you knew something was more sinister.

 Then Covid-19 hit. Then the world stopped. Then everyone went crazy.

 I will stop here on the topic of SARS-COV-19 because I have been quite forthright about my fears of the unknown. All I can say is read about the virus. Read about how SARS-COV-19 accesses the human cells and duplicates in the body. Read about treatments. How the treatments work. Read about the statistics. Have many sources particularly research from Norway, Australia, and Great Britain.

 When the lockdowns first started, I was horrified. I thought of all the small businesses that already operated on tight margins, how could they possibly survive six weeks of no income? I voiced my apprehensions on a Facebook comment. The response was the lockdown would be temporary and how could I be impatient in order to save lives. Well….. eight months later a virus with 99.6% survival rate (depending on how old you are and comorbidities) what have we achieved? My state of residence the case load has never decreased, but as we learn more about treatment death rates have decreased.

 My point being we have proven as the American people we are willing to turn a blind eye to some terrible deceptions to relinquish vital rights for fear of our immortality. We want our creature comforts and whoever or whatever looks less threatening we will face that direction as bomb fires devour from behind. In essence, there are some fundamental changes occurring that completely disregard constitutional principles. Every time you see a fist raised in the air it means a reckoning of the capitalist system which is a nice way of destroying commerce and livelihood. Because the alternative to Trump takes us backwards. We lose choice. We will be mandated. Freedom of speech will be dictated. Cost of living will go increase (mostly with taxes). My beliefs will be considered offensive and libel to punishment. The slippery slope to a progressive and already proven faulty path will proceed to destruction. The riots and unrest, the viruses and illness will not go away if Trump loses. Churches are fighting in the courts for their constitutional right to assemble in peace. Meanwhile, others are congregating in anger to be praised for their valiance. It is admirable to be pro-choice designating abortion as essential, yet I am not allowed a choice to not wear the mask (The science behind wearing a mask is extremely inconsistent. Determining whether SARS-COV-19 is spread by droplet or aerosol has seemed problematic to deduce, thus lacking confirmation for the usefulness of masks. If masks were in fact beneficial we would be wearing mask to protect us during every flu and cold season. It is virtue signaling. If we practiced sterile techniques maybe with a N95 mask there could be true protection). The suppression will grow heavier because we have proven we will yield without a fight. We read it. Think that is a shame. Then order from Amazon.

 Let me employ anyone who is uninterested to protest or write your congressman or run for office or volunteer your still vote is especially important. 2016 I was no longer motivated to vote for the two-party ticket, but I did cast my vote for it is my responsibility as an American citizen. I cannot fault anyone for disliking the options yet please address the federal and local candidates. It is when our local politics are overlooked, we lose adequate representation. Please do not take this lightly. VOTE FOR YOUR SENATORS AND CONGRESSMEN AND LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES.

 Now, allow me to offer a few insights into my presidential decision. Analyzing President Trump’s character: Trying to look beyond all the marital affairs and the business scams and the narcissistic pep rallies I think Trump is a man who genuinely wants to achieve greatness that can be shared. It could be acceptable to surmise Trump has lived a lifestyle in the confines of New York City vastly different from the common citizen. However, living the role of President of the United States has to be a tremendous eye-opening experience learning the vastness of the humanity of man.

 From the very beginning of Trump’s presidency Donald Trump has received attacks from the left and the right. Nothing President Trump has achieved or acted on has been blessed or congratulated by the main instruments of media. Even prior to the Covid lockdowns the GDP was soaring, the stock market made record highs, unemployment for all demographics were at all-time lows, yet Trump would not be recognized for the credit. I entirely believe the Tweets must go, but never to be credited for any good is ridiculous. Eventually, it is acceptable to acknowledge Trump is not the devil and certainly does not deserve to be damned for every little word written.

 It is getting to the point I wish Trump would push for masks and stronger Covid precautions. Then suddenly his totalitarian “rule” would be a step too far accusing him of smothering our health rights. Immediately the left would demand masks and lockdowns are no longer necessary just to be contrary of Trump. Trump yells “Yes.” The media screams “NO!” It is my theory a substantial group of voters are fatigued by all the compromising backsliding niceties of the Republican party. Perhaps Trump has banked on their frustrations ready to be the voice of very loud unyielding noises. He has changed the face of politics proving to be the mantra of opposition so desperately desired by weary exasperated people.

 Quite honestly, I do not understand why Trump and his family want to continue running the White House. To be treated as the most hated family must be entirely exhausting. Not to mention demoralizing. I heard a tape recording of Melania pouring her heart out (only to be backstabbed by a supposed friend) about the constant dissatisfaction of her performance. I know the family has its supporters, but to receive endless insults ought to be discouraging to one’s psyche. Nevertheless, the Trump family keeps pressing forward in earnest. Maybe their determination can say something about the commitment to serving the American people.

 I have finally concluded Trump by no stretch of the imagination is a politician, nor will he attempt to behave as one. He is a brand name. He has spent his entire life building the name Trump. Perhaps Trump’s father never encouraged or praised Donald Trump for any of his accomplishments forcing Donald to be his own cheerleader. But love it or hate it he is bombastic. I strongly agree Trump’s nonsensical megaphone is overwhelming along with distracting, however if I look at Trump’s actions along with his record, I can agree with him. If I can employ a mute button, I can admire all the campaign promises as successful achievements. If I am honest with myself Trump’s execution indeed align with my ideals. Perhaps the appearance of looking regal is not at all necessary.

 Remember how I said Trump is a bull in a china shop? I am learning this is a quality I like. There have been numerous examples where Trump has gone against diplomatic conventional norms kicking a china cabinet because that made more sense to him. Turns out the china is a fake, completely worthless. I thought the China trade deals were a huge mistake for risk of inflating cost on American consumers. Instead it makes America more competitive and less dependent by keeping more industry within the States. Regulations. Smash! Remove financial stalemates to education, healthcare, agriculture, and biotechnology. Trump’s greatest example of stubbornness is the Israeli UAE Peace Deal- KICK. The entire china store destroyed.

 I can imagine hearing a long-term white house strategist trying to explain to Trump why Israel needs to surrender to Palestine. “Mr. President, don’t you understand to create peace and stability in the Middle East Israel needs to avoid the appearance of hostility by forfeiting parts of Jerusalem?” Trump: “Why? That’s stupid. Haven’t we tried that for over 50 years and hasn’t worked yet? But…. What if we show Israel could be a great business partner? Let’s think bigly. It’s going to be beautiful.”

The truth is I am watching all the insane rhetoric and campaign bashing and people playing dirty and cities being devastated, and violence and groups being targeted, and it leaves me a little scared. I cannot say I am happy with Trump’s presentation, but he has not been a dictator or fascist or whatever Napoleon terms the media wants to use.

 The alternative to Donald J. Trump, trumpet boasting and all, alarms me more. I must vote against the challenger because his messages counter mine. I know there will be continued restrictions placed on personal freedoms. The courts may declare edicts as unconstitutional, but executive order will be mandated. The economic calamity devastated by SARS-COV-19 will only perpetuate with plundering overreactions. Senseless bailouts and stimuluses will engorge our debt beyond numbers ever known. Then there is the promotion of “free.” Free healthcare. Free college. Free internet. Free childcare. Free rent. Free cars. Free phones. Free computers. Who is paying for all this free? The United States currently has 27 trillion in debt. There is no amount of wealth on earth to pay for all this swag. Next comes the environmental battle. The United States for its population and production has the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. Everyone wants cars to go electric, yet no one is explaining what the source of all this energy is. California’s alternative energy is not working as they require blackouts during the heat of the summer. There are no fingers pointed at China and India, who are a part of the Paris Agreement, producing the worst emission pollutants. The solutions to all our woes: more taxes on the rich and everyone who is a good contributor to society.

 Finally, I know my civil liberties are at risk. My thoughts and faith are now considered a threat. I believe in working hard to achieve your goals and praising my creator who made me and this wonderful earth. If my ideas contradict yours, I am held liable for repercussions. Because I believe abortion will one day be as vile as slavery I have to be silenced and ridiculed. The Democratic candidate encompasses all this like a puppet by a nefarious shadow pulling the strings of a mentally aging man. The unknown players dictating the voice of the Democratic party is formidable. The oppression on daily life will continue to a slow boil neglecting our civil rights. Not to mention, there are now, or threatened to be, a change in the rules: add more supreme court judges, add more states, accumulate a bevy of lawyers ready to pounce, all in order to swing the weight of liberal persuasion to the left. The structure of our beautifully constructed limited government is about to topple.

 I am not trying to scare or be a Bible thumper coercing a bow to the Trump. Neither my salvation nor my hope is found in him. I do think it is important to elect someone who best represents the common good of our country. I know there are flaws, but Trump has proven a genuine benefit for all Americans. He will therefore have my vote as I select my other representatives.

 I will continue to raise my children in biblical manners that honor and praise God. I must remember and trust this election is not going to bring righteous stability. My security is found in the love of Jesus Christ and a community that shares this love. No matter what the election results are God has a plan that is perfect. If there is one final resolution I can end with, apart from please vote, cover yourself, your family, this country in prayer. Pray for God’s providence. Pray for salvation. Pray that Jesus will reign supreme. Therefore, during this election season I will meditate on this passage:

 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading kept in heaven for you. I Peter 1:3-4





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