

 It would appear a family of sisters made residence among our decks and window this autumn. Alas, they were not the garden spiders I grew attentive to a couple of years ago. According to my Seek app, which I highly recommend for identifying nature things (bugs, plants, fungi, ect.), these specie of spiders are a barn orbspider. Though not the beautifully created zigzag web of a garden spider these orb-weavers were altogether enjoyable to observe as they proceeded their natural design continuing the circle of life. During this season Lucy and I read E.B. White's 'Charlotte's Web' while watching the miraculous design of arachnids spinning and climbing and eating and dying. One by one each spider disappeared into the inevitable conclusion of the season.  Eventhough I am fully aware our time on this earth is short those last few chapters of 'Charlotte's Web' bring tears to my eyes everytime acknowledging we need to cherish the ones we have lost. 

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