Now is not a time to gloat. Upon hearing the news Roe and Casey had been overturned I praised God for having grace on us and immediately started making requests of friends and fellow believers to be praying for the protection of pregnancy help centers as well as their volunteers. You can almost hear the opposition seething in rage.
It only took a few hours thanks to Twitter as the furry of five Justices’ decision brought on calls for assassinations. Two years ago, marches stormed through most metropolitan cities declaring Black Lives Matters. Today, Justice Clarence Thomas is the spawn of Satan needing to be lynched. The original verdict of Roe v. Wade was made by old white men. Today, the Justices represent one of the most diverse courts, but they should all be abolished.
I recognize most of the kids screaming in the streets with red paint dripping from their groan in mad theater have never known a world without Roe. It is all hyperbolic reactions. Never mind the understanding of biology has increased. Science has advanced. We have plentiful condoms to shower like confetti. The health department will hand out birth control like it is candy. Obamacare requires insurers provide contraception. There are apps that tract a woman’s ovulation cycles. There are now hundreds of ways to NOT get pregnant. Why are we making the rights to abortion so important?
If you talk to lawyers even the most liberal ones if they are being truly honest, they will usually admit Roe v. Wade was a bad ruling. Even the beloved Ruth Bader Ginsberg before she became a Justice conceded the ruling was beyond the powers of the Supreme Court. The ruling on June 24, 2022, overturning Roe and Casey was an acknowledgement that the court does not create laws. The court abides to the law. The Judicial branch is not apart of the legislative branch. If people want to be angry about not having abortion in every single state, then they better start convincing state representatives and federal representatives to create a law for abortion. Otherwise, until it can be proven that babies are not a living being, accept these babies as citizens having rights to the fourth and fifth amendments. Four Amendment: States cannot deprive “any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” As well the federal government agrees no one shall be “deprived life, liberty or property without due process of law”- Fifth Amendment. Overturning Roe was not about politics as Hollywood and DC goes into hysterics. It was about following the law as our founders formed it to keep us a free society.
But changing the laws the legal legislative route was too time consuming showing little productivity, so the ACLU found a little nobody who wanted an abortion in Dallas, TX known by an alias Jane Roe. Her real name was Norma McCorvey. She never got her abortion, but instead gave the baby girl up for adaption, the third baby she had given up. Ms. McCorvey was an activist and sued the Dallas District Attorney for preventing abortions. In 1973 she won through the Supreme Court.
However, like so many women who meet the right person at the right time, a kind face with a loving spirit changed Ms. McCorvey’s direction. In 1995, McCorvey met Rev. Flip Benham. Next to the abortion clinic where she worked there was a crisis pregnancy center. Rev Benham started talking to Ms. McCorvey being a kind loving voice of Jesus. Shortly after she was baptized. She then found her place in the Roman Catholic Church where she started her own group, Roe No More Ministry. From 1997 to 2005 she fought to overturn Roe but was denied by the Supreme Court. She was under the guidance of Father Frank Pavone who described her “life of repentance, not of revenge. She would have abhorred the way the pro-abortion people are acting now. In fact, she didn’t like them even when she was on their side. She thought they were arrogant and disrespectful of her.” Ms. McCorvey died 2017. She never met her daughter Shelly, the third baby she gave up for adoption.
There are many sad tales to Ms. McCorvey’s story, particularly being used as a pone for the feminist movement and never reconciling with her daughter. However, the grace that was shown to her by sharing the love of Jesus all has been forgiven all has been reconciled. By knowing Ms. McCorvey’s story we can focus on the 60 million babies that have been eliminated since 1973. However, more importantly Ms. McCorvey’s heart was saved and restored and loved back. That is the remarkable message of Jesus: to love, to restore, to pass on the love.
While people and mostly women are hemorrhaging over the Judges’ overrule, remember babies are still dying in their states. California and New York will be a graveyard of innocent life. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” wrote Justice Alito, “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.” My state is a state that will have abortion for a while. The overturning of Roe and Casey is not the end. It is the beginning of a very ugly battle that very well may become violent.
But again, why is abortion so important? It is often referred to as reproductive rights yet that is a twisting of words. Fertility clinics are reproductive facilities attempting to create reproduction as sperm meets egg. Not abortion clinics. Once a woman is pregnant, she no longer needs reproductive rights because she has already reproduced. Reproduction does not mean termination. These are word games: Reproductive Rights, My Body My Choice, Safe, Legal, and Rare, Pro-Choice; they are all phrases to diminish the importance of what a woman is doing. Removing life that promotes our very existence. To determine who lives and who dies is playing God, a role we should never think we are suited to play.
Many prayers and money and support and supplies and volunteers are going to be needed to help be the hands and feet of Jesus’ message. The mommies who now face an even tougher decision for life are our generation's orphans and widows that Jesus adamantly told us to care for. I believe as a people of the United States our judges’ verdict has helped restore the covering of God’s favor over our lands. Nevertheless, we must show more faithfulness towards our mommy sisters and our daddy brothers that choosing life does not have to be a journey to travel alone. One chapter may be complete but the next chapter of supporting our brothers and sisters into the foundations of family is more important than ever before.