
The Count Down

It has been a minute since I have written about the events in my life. I cannot say I have a good excuse except life and distractions. Therefore, because it has been some time it probably makes it all the more politicized to choose this next subject to jump headfirst, but quite honestly, I do not care. Lives are vanishing.

Abortion. Roe vs Wade. Bad judicial verdicts. Riots. Death threats. Murder. Compromise. Sins of a nation. Slippery slope. Women’s Rights. What is a woman? My body my choice. Safe, Legal, and Rare. Pro-Abortion. Pro-Choice. Pro-life. When does life begin? How late is too late?

They are all uncomfortable statements. No one wants to ponder what abortion truly means until they realize they have been inconvenienced avoiding judgment. I am not ignorant to the fact that having a baby changes everything. I was sexually active before family planning ever became a consideration. I had a few scares challenging me to consider what would be my actual decision. Would I accept my consequences, or would I smother any evidence?

Thankfully, God chose to be gracious to spare pregnancy until I was married and financially solvent. I am very grateful for God’s timing. However, I have also naturally lost two pregnancies leaving me to wonder of the baby’s existence. One was an unexpected surprise. The other miscarriage was a very bloody exhausting affair. I still remember the due date: September 12, 2016.

This is the maternal side that never gets addressed at abortion clinics: “What would my child be like if he where here today?” We must pretend the living being growing within a woman’s womb is not more important than a bug. A cock roach needing to be squashed. Even though I was only 8 weeks gestation when I lost my child my body was in full-on baby production mode full of blood, energy, and hormones to assist in the development. But when my body aborted, I was drained of all my female superpowers taking fives weeks to recover my strength from the extensive blood loss. My recovery was more difficult than giving birth both physically and mentally because I had nothing to show for it.

So, when I hear the words, “Safe, Legal, and Rare,” I sneer because aborting is anything but safe.

Fortunately, technology has improved anti-abortionists’ arguments for the removal of babies. Now imaging can picture the baby’s development to a beautiful creation. For my first child, at 13 weeks gestation I was shown a 3-D image of my daughter’s delicate body. Her eyes closed and palms pressed together she looked like a praying doll peacefully at rest.

While I as in nursing school I had a photography job taking pictures of newborns at the hospital. The equipment storage was shared with the Labor and Delivery floor. If miscarriages occurred, the assigned nurse was usually responsible for photographing the lifeless child for the parents. One day when I arrived at work a deceased baby was left in the bassinet where a mounted camera hovered overhead. She had the build of a Stacy barbie. Long thin arms and legs. Translucent bluish skin with visible blood vessels. Defined fingers and toes already developing nails. With distinct features of a mouth and nose innocently the child slept where even the eyebrows could be identified.

I stood there amazed staring at all the fine details of this tiny creature. It occurred to me I should be appalled that she was left behind, but I just stared fascinated. I needed to leave to introduce myself to future customers for a sale. When I returned for my cart and camera in the storage room the body in the bassinet had been removed. I learned latter she was about 16 week gestation and because her weight was borderline she could be tossed into biohazard or burred in the cemetery. A decision the parents would need to make.

When the world population, particularly in the Western regions, is plummeting for replacement rates and pandemics with bad medical advice and droughts and wars and food shortages and drug overdoes and suicide rates increasing it feels as though we are intentionally being weeded out. Then hearing the argument “my body my choice,” it sounds so cynical. In New York City more African Americans babies are aborted than born. Could we actually be responsible for extinguishing a culture? (According to a city Health Department report released in May, between 2012 and 2016 black mothers terminated 136,426 pregnancies and gave birth to 118,127 babies. -WSJ Jason L. Riley July 10, 2018)

Before someone throws out the words coat hangers (because I am tired of hearing this excuse) without sounding totally indignant let’s just suggest all types of birth-control are both plentiful and free. Grotesque visuals are not necessary for this argument.

There are two terrible truths about abortion that must be discussed: It deteriorates the structure of the family unit and shreds the importance of life.

Since the court’s decision to allow abortion federally single parent homes have been on rise. Fatherless families have become the norm. There was a time when a couple got knocked up the man responsibly married the pregnant woman. The child was raised with a father natured by a mother. As abortions became more common the baby’s dad had an out and literally killed the responsibility. Having a man own up to his roll in the conception was erased. When the woman did decide to keep the child, the daddy had already been conditioned to flee. Some women may agree with good riddance. With a little assistance from Uncle Sam to support the unfortunate mom the dad was no longer necessary. At least in theory.

Or how about the girl whose parents did not want her to be blemished forcing her to a clinic in protection of reputation while the baby’s father was never consulted. Telling people to choose deadly convenience over moral responsibility has consequences in a society corroding a person’s self-worth. Choosing as easy route is not building a person’s strength. It encourages weak mindedness avoiding struggles throughout life.

I understand there is a stigma that religion created this judgmental trap. People are not allowed to sexually love whoever. Pro-choice releases us from the chains of tradition and pious. However, God in his beautiful way, what Satan intended for evil God created relief. Pregnancy centers all over the United States seeks to cover uncertain women into a loving encouraging relationship. Women are surrounded in supplies, friendship, education, and assistance to help form a healthy well-being. It will probably not be easy but parenting never is. Women, mom who choose life, are given tools and lasting relationships to be her loudest cheerleaders. No condemnation or a kick in the butt. They are loved because Jesus loves them. I have witnessed and participated in these relationships. These women and their children need to be loved as well as fathers to be mentored. These pregnancy centers are always willing to step up to plate in readiness.

One leak about possibly overturning Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court Justices and suddenly vitriol lashed out at anything good. Death threats to Supreme Court Judges along with badgering protests at their homes. Intimidation like, “If abortion is not safe then neither are you,” spray painted on several pregnancy help centers. Some centers have been burned down or vandalized. These centers are run by mostly volunteers who take their extra time to assist and love people while on the other side of the walls people are spewing hate with violent rage. In my 4o something years of viewing the pro-choice movement verses the pro-life never have I witnessed such a desire to hurt people. What crazy upside-down world have we entered is convincing people helping our community needs to receive intimidation, threats of harm, and physical motivation? Have we truly become so jaded so corrupt so dissolved of truth to believe, “I must remove lives to obtain my agenda?” The only cure for this corrosive mentality is the healing love of Jesus. There are two activist I have in mind I pray for frequently praying Jesus will restore their broken hearts.

Now to the argument about when life begins. The U.S. is one of the few countries in the world that allows late term abortions. Most European countries cut off permission for abortion at 16 weeks gestation. Again, technology has allowed us to visualize baby development. I can remember early weeks of pregnancy Pro-choice groups insisted identifying the baby as a zygote. Once past the zygote phase the creature of the womb was labeled a fetus until birth. It shall never be called a baby until outside the woman’s body. Unless you are at an OB/GYN practice, then you can be growing a baby. Because we no longer live in the Dark Ages medical advances have preserved early births of preemies. Most preemies catch up from an early start living life normally as a full term child. Babies as early as 25 weeks gestation are surviving.

Through 3D imaging of ultrasounds, we can see the details of a 12 week baby. Babies blowing bubbles, waving a hand, turning around, flinching in pain. Where imaging testifies to the extraordinary development of bones and never fibers and blood vessels and vital organs imaging has also demonstrated the brutalities of abortion. Images of a baby being pierced by a sharp instrument as it contorts in pain only to be sucked out of the womb is not imagery easy to forget. One day many years from now, will future generations think us monsters for the cruelty inflicted on innocent life? We look at the Nazis experiments on pregnant women as monstrous.

What frightens me more than the insistence of abortion being a right is the degradation of what is allowed to survive. While we argue what is a woman and how late is too late to abort you can hear the slippery slope gaining traction. When the activists claim abortion is a choice to make whenever the quiet part is filtering as well. Not only can you choose to kill your baby before she passes the vaginal opening, but after birth? Maybe even a week after birth. How about a month? Maybe even a year to terminate your air breathing child. There are states like California and Colorado that have passed legislation allowing 28 day after birth to permit infanticide. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/rebeccadowns/2022/05/26/california-looks-to-move-ahead-with-infanticide-bill-n2607846 It sounds like an exaggeration, but activist have been recorded denying when is too late. “It’s the woman’s choice.” https://rumble.com/v14wy9z-kill-baby-after-birth-always-womens-choice.html

If we can have no appreciation for when life begins, then we will have no resolve when to end it. Euthanizing is gaining steam in European nations like Sweden. Our perfect environment of convenience cannot be our motivator for living. When we have convinced ourselves only self-happiness can motivate our existence our society has ended. I do not want to live in a world where children can be expendable anymore than disposing of the elderly.

Apart of my parenting strategy is to teach my children to not be afraid of conflict or adversity. I want to cover them in love and encouragement then they shall  believe anything is possible. However, when an obstacle does occur how do we critically think of the options to solve the problem. Pouting in despair or calling it quits is never the solution. We press forward prayerfully trusting God will form a way. In my experience he always has.

My greatest gift as a parent is how much I have learned. My children have taught me about sacrifice, conflict, mortal danger, and so much chaos. I have been blessed by laughter, grace, silliness, unconditional love, and endless hugs. Since being a parent, I have had my self-esteem ripped to shreds, then beaming with pride. I have been plagued by uncertainty and overjoyed by blessings. I have teetered on the collapse of fatigue and overwhelmed by abundant energy. And my kids are still fairly young. I have many more lessons to learn.

I see the world as a beautiful journey to be shared. In the beginning it was my family, then friends. Then I start my own family and more friends. And so forth. Please do not rob yourself of this journey that teaches selflessness. You will definitely need the Fruits of the Spirit: joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, kindness, goodness, and most importantly love. I love this part of the journey in my life. It provides a better understanding of how the world works.

My journey as a parent has also taught me the gracious wonders of God. Though I am nowhere close to demonstrating God’s patience I have a better understanding of how God is motivated and operates; wanting to adore your children, frustration by the fighting between children, neglect of your existence. Before parenting I looked in the mirror a lot. Now as a mother of three- no time. Too busy making sandwiches or putting out fires or reading stories or enjoying a cuddle. Please do not miss the chance to snuggle your baby and believe he or she could be the next world changer.


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