
I wish my torso was longer

Today I successfully cut my toenails with a great deal of discomfort. I am about six months pregnant. I don't think I look that extended in the nude. Now if I don't wear the right clothes I definitely look frumpy. Supposedly I have a uterus the size of a soccer ball, which I suggest you try bending over with a large mass tucked under your abdominal muscles. However, there are alterations that can be made to avoid grunting in a fashion that sounds like I am out of shape. So that your legs are not pressing into you abdomen at a 90 degree bend spread the legs apart allowing the stomach to essentially slide between the legs at the pivot. This is very useful and it also works out the quads. What I have still not managed is the perfect reclining position. I have varicose veins that are now developing a bulge. I am reluctantly wearing my anti-embolism stockings, but I am also suppose to be elevating my legs. Well, this is where I am placed in a compromised position again. Elevating my legs while sitting up to read or write means legs are pressing into my baby and I feel out of breath.

Today I decided I needed to accomplish cutting my toenails because I did not want my nails to rip through my beloved stockings. This proved very difficult. I tried to modify my technique of bending over and sitting indian style while slightly leaning back to use the lamp light. Only problem is this position set me up perfectly for clipping my large toe, but placed me farther from my smaller toes. Just when I sucked it up to pursue my last pinky toe my 50 pound dog decided it was time to cuddle on my stomach, which is a discussion for a whole other subject: My dogs do not sense I am pregnant and like the extra cushion to rest on. Also, my largest dog thinks she is a lap dog. I did complete my nail clipping, but I think this will be my last attempt while pregnant. My husband has offered to shave my legs. I think I will hire him for toenails as well. I think I trust him.


My symptoms

My symptoms of pregnancy in occurring order:

Breast tenderness
No menstrual cycle
Queasy feeling, not due to nausea, but usually hunger
Cravings: sushi, frosted flakes, cottage cheese, blueberry streusel. Lost interest in spinach, berries, and beef
Abdominal cramping
Nipple tenderness
Frequent urination (meaning I wake twice a night to pee)
Bloody boogers, also now having nosebleeds
Preexisting varicose veins becoming larger and more pronounced
More uncomfortable to sit or bend over as abdomen extends
Heart burn/GERD
Round ligament pain (this is one I was unprepared for. It means anal/vaginal stabbing pain as the ligaments supporting the uterus stretch. I confused it with contractions.)


Discusion on why the yogurt covered pretzel is such an ingenious idea

I want to take a moment to express how much I love yogurt covered pretzels and describe why it is such a wonderful idea. Two words: sweet and salty. This is a combination that can rarely go wrong. Yes, sweet and spicy is also a good combination, hence Thai food, but then it is deluding from my reasoning for writing this.

Sweet and salty. The salty pretzel and the sweet yogurt. From time to time I can appreciate a pretzel, but no where close to a craving. And you will certainly not see me standing in line at the mall for one of Annie's Pretzels. Nor am I a huge yogurt fan and certainly will not do vanilla only. For me to enjoy yogurt it should be blueberry or peach. Yet the two ingredients combined brings a happy happy smile to my face.

Then it is extra exciting when flavors are explored. The chocolate covered pretzel. I realize the chocolate does not involve yogurt, but it is still sweet and salty satisfying my need for chocolate. I have had strawberry flavored yogurt pretzels. Raspberry is very good. For the autumn season and first time this year I had pumpkin flavored yogurt covered pretzel. Let's just say, delish.

For my final and probably weakest point, the little snack's greatest illusion is I am eating healthy and should consume as much of it as I need or until I grow sick of it. I could probably select worse choices, but without moderation I am definitely not selecting the best. Is it a pregnancy craving? No, it is my choice and my next goal is start making the tasty snack for my own devices.


I am a glorified janitor

Since I have resigned from my former employment and moved to a 15 acre property my husband and I agreed it would be permissible to be a full time housewife and groundskeeper. What I have found that to mean is I clean up. Between my husband and dogs and chickens, I stay busy keeping things tidy. Then soon it will a baby, bees, cattle, and possibly goats.

My day starts with tending the chickens. This means clean the water dispenser, mix a good helping of mash, grains, and pellets, and remove all the chicken poop from the coop to mix into the compost. I will also add wood chips to the nests and if I have any veggies for the compost this is usually a good time to add it. The chickens make excellent tillers. Three items that are essential for this work: mud boots for stomping in mud and poop, small shovel to remove waste from the coop, and a pitchfork to turn the compost.

After my breakfast is made and eaten, it a good time to clean around the house. At our place there tends to be daily accumulation of dew or frost, which means a lot of wet grass which also means a big mess to clean if dogs go outside then track in grass. Therefore, the dogs are not morning risers instead lounge around while I make the bed, laundry, vacuum, dishes and so forth. After lunch usually the grass is dry and the dogs are released. Now I have one dog who is getting along in age and not very interested in frolicking. The other two however are content to be outside all day. Usually this means one has found something dead or smelly to roll in or devour. By the time the dogs are worn out or thirsty they return to the back door covered in mud and sticky seed pods, that will most likely need to be cut out, and reeking of the most foulest smell. It is then the chore to decide who is cleanest and work to the worst. I now have a designated doggy shower complete with shower head hose and doggy shampoo. Amongst the dogs is a puppy, currently about seven months old, who is at the "destroying everything she can place her mouth on," phase so I also spend a great deal of my time cleaning up after her.
Then there is my husband. He is not a dirty man by any means. I know no one who can make a tub shine with a scrub sponge and Comet like he can. However, he is now a full-time working man with nine to five hours, so when he comes home the shirts get abandon wherever he drops it. My nicely groomed bedroom and bed are tossed about for relaxation. Whatever light is turned on whether being used or not is irrelevant because guess who pays the bills now. I grew up in a home where shoes worn inside was strictly forbidden and now that we have mud stomping and chicken poop it is more important than ever not to track filth in the house. After almost four years of marriage it is a concept my husband is still trying avoid. I will keep sweeping and vacuuming with a reluctant smile on my face.

At present, most rewarding time is the late afternoon when I walk the grounds with the dogs. A path has been mowed around the perimeter of the property and we take this opportunity to survey the land and the neighboring fields. It is also a lovely time to move in deeper from the house and the busy road. Towards the end of the walk I turn to face the back and have seat where I have placed a chair under a tree. With my face warmed by the sun I relax and listen to the sounds around me. I spot a spider weaving a web in the deep blue sky, listen to the crickets write a symphony to the arriving night air, and watch my dogs pounce the earth in excited pursuit of a living toy.

I am growing into my newly acquired position. I am definitely still in training, hopefully for the better when the little peep arrives. I suppose for any job description there is always some clean-up involved. The beauty of my job is I have lovely scenery and I get to work at my own pace. Yes, I think I will like the position.


My political moment

I have just completed writing letters to my current and previous senators and congressmen/woman. I might be a few days too late but at least I am voicing the cause. I understand if people think the situation in Washington is a complete crisis, especially if hand-outs are received or if a federal employee. However, since I am neither, I have been comforted by how well the State still functions and how generous the public is during times of needs. While the Senate did not want to piece-mill the budget to help our injured Vets private donations came flowing in to cover their expenses. I am a frequent listener of NPR and they placed distress for the HeadStart program and children having no destination after school. Well, guess what. Donations were faithful again and certain locations were able to open their doors and pay their employees. My favorite story amongst all this chaos is while the federal government is being stingy closing the gates to National Parks, the States (Colorado, New York, Tennessee) realizes they need that income and request to cover the cost of reopening, but they have to wait for federal approval. More embarrassing for the Obama administration and anger for me, is the Washington Mall has been declared closed to events. However while the press creates a frenzy that US Vets removed barricades at the Mall to be returned to the White House nothing is mentioned about Amnesty leaders and Illegal Immigrants permitted to stand at the Mall just a week prior during the shutdown. All of the coverage and press is exaggerated and misconstrued. The U.S. government is living beyond its means, ObamaCare is not helping, and there are only a few leaders listening to their voters. The U.S. people are expected to pay their debts and manage lifestyles, but the government does not understand this strategy. The states who have been most successful at avoiding default have also cut spending and managed to decrease their deficit. It is the U.S. government's turn and postponing the inevitable will only hurt future generations. This is why I have voted for my Senators and Congressman, so it is time to take action and show honor. I understand there are circumstances when assistance is needed and welcomed, but creating a welfare state is not helping the public. Dependency is encouraged, not to mention entitlement. What is being taught? The same government that is deep in debt is shepherding a group of people who suffer from the same illness. Independence and pride are the best tools to offer. Perhaps if we were willing to rain encouragement more than money the U.S. would not be at battle with itself.


It's a whole new me.

I am looking at my last posting date and it is from 2009. Wow. A lot has happened since then. Number one being later that year I got married. I also graduated from school and finally acquired a high paying job. Since then I have been undergoing transitions, like learning to adapt to the very routine lifestyle. You get up, make breakfast (the most important meal of the day), you go to work, unwind, go to bed, and start the routine again the next morning. Was I absolutely miserable? No. Can't say I ever got use to it though, but I also had a man whom I adore that made it fun as well. Now, begins a whole another chapter of my life. My husband has graduated and his work brought us to another state and I find myself pregnant with our first. I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom if permitted. I was granted that request and while having 5 more months to go have also been permitted to be a housewife in the meantime. This is weird for me. I don't have to get up early or perform the daily rituals of make-up and hair. However, I have noticed I have major motivation issues. Because I am no longer the breadwinner or making any kind of money I feel a need to minimize my expenses as much as possible focusing are bare essentials. This is not what my husband desires, but it seems to be a pattern I like to catch myself in. Anyway, for the time, I would like to be writing and sharing photos. There may be another occasion of silence after the baby is born. Until then.