
It's a whole new me.

I am looking at my last posting date and it is from 2009. Wow. A lot has happened since then. Number one being later that year I got married. I also graduated from school and finally acquired a high paying job. Since then I have been undergoing transitions, like learning to adapt to the very routine lifestyle. You get up, make breakfast (the most important meal of the day), you go to work, unwind, go to bed, and start the routine again the next morning. Was I absolutely miserable? No. Can't say I ever got use to it though, but I also had a man whom I adore that made it fun as well. Now, begins a whole another chapter of my life. My husband has graduated and his work brought us to another state and I find myself pregnant with our first. I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom if permitted. I was granted that request and while having 5 more months to go have also been permitted to be a housewife in the meantime. This is weird for me. I don't have to get up early or perform the daily rituals of make-up and hair. However, I have noticed I have major motivation issues. Because I am no longer the breadwinner or making any kind of money I feel a need to minimize my expenses as much as possible focusing are bare essentials. This is not what my husband desires, but it seems to be a pattern I like to catch myself in. Anyway, for the time, I would like to be writing and sharing photos. There may be another occasion of silence after the baby is born. Until then.

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