
My political moment

I have just completed writing letters to my current and previous senators and congressmen/woman. I might be a few days too late but at least I am voicing the cause. I understand if people think the situation in Washington is a complete crisis, especially if hand-outs are received or if a federal employee. However, since I am neither, I have been comforted by how well the State still functions and how generous the public is during times of needs. While the Senate did not want to piece-mill the budget to help our injured Vets private donations came flowing in to cover their expenses. I am a frequent listener of NPR and they placed distress for the HeadStart program and children having no destination after school. Well, guess what. Donations were faithful again and certain locations were able to open their doors and pay their employees. My favorite story amongst all this chaos is while the federal government is being stingy closing the gates to National Parks, the States (Colorado, New York, Tennessee) realizes they need that income and request to cover the cost of reopening, but they have to wait for federal approval. More embarrassing for the Obama administration and anger for me, is the Washington Mall has been declared closed to events. However while the press creates a frenzy that US Vets removed barricades at the Mall to be returned to the White House nothing is mentioned about Amnesty leaders and Illegal Immigrants permitted to stand at the Mall just a week prior during the shutdown. All of the coverage and press is exaggerated and misconstrued. The U.S. government is living beyond its means, ObamaCare is not helping, and there are only a few leaders listening to their voters. The U.S. people are expected to pay their debts and manage lifestyles, but the government does not understand this strategy. The states who have been most successful at avoiding default have also cut spending and managed to decrease their deficit. It is the U.S. government's turn and postponing the inevitable will only hurt future generations. This is why I have voted for my Senators and Congressman, so it is time to take action and show honor. I understand there are circumstances when assistance is needed and welcomed, but creating a welfare state is not helping the public. Dependency is encouraged, not to mention entitlement. What is being taught? The same government that is deep in debt is shepherding a group of people who suffer from the same illness. Independence and pride are the best tools to offer. Perhaps if we were willing to rain encouragement more than money the U.S. would not be at battle with itself.

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