
The Sugar Plum Fairy History

DECEMBER 24, 2006

Off in a far away land many years ago a plum tree grew with a field of daffodils, and buttercups, and daisies. One morning in late spring the temperature began to rise so rapidly the blooms of the plum tree burst with firework flare. The sparks touched the surrounding flowers, which were equally as warm. Magic took place birthing the Sugar Plum Fairies.

Bursting out of thin air as you can imagine is a very traumatic event so many of the fairies fluttered into craziness. Some discovered they had amazing abilities for looking very attractive in tutus so they became ballerinas and got hired to dance in a fruity ballet. Others were recruited by the union to be Tooth Fairies. And one sect was offered a position as Sparkling Gold Dust Dropping Dream Fairies. Later the name was shortened to Sugar Plum Fairies because of their origin.

Among this last group were two fairies who considered themselves sisters because they bursted right next to each other. They were very different from each other, but had a common bond. Instead of sprinkling gold dust on sleepers they whacked the unsuspecting dreamers with spit-wad dust balls. The two sisters were good at their work. Many of a foolish souls had dopey dreams of riding large purple rabbits and eating clumpy mash potato flavored jell-o.

The sisters named one another because no one else was around. The tallest named the blond Spring because she could sing like a cool spring rain. The blond, Spring, named her sister, the tall one, BoogerButt, but the Sparkling Gold Dust Dropping Dream Fairies Coalition did not think it sounded very fairy-like so that is how she acquired the name Maury. Maury the giant. She was very tall for a fairy, but secretly Spring still called her BoogerButt.

One year on Christmas Eve the sisters-by now they had received the title Sisters Well Done because they did such an outstanding job-they came to one house in a town called Mount Juliet where they caught sight of the most peaceful lovely sleeping couple. The couple slept close snuggling one another yet they looked very sad. The Sisters Well Done had sympathy for the couple because they realized what caused the sadness. They had no children. The fairies thrust spit -wad dust of a special kind for this couple. The dreams that were conjured suddenly brought smiles to the young couple and they looked lovely as ever in a state of contentment. The couple dreamed of children and the wonderful parents they would become. The dreams were meant to act as fertility enhancers.

The next year the Sisters Well Done visited the same sleeping couple and noticed there was a baby crib near. They fluttered over to see a beautiful sleeping baby girl. They threw spit-wad dust at her and she giggled. The Sisters Well Done made frequent stops at the couple's home over the years each time with a new baby sleeping peacefully. Some years later the fairies noticed the couple no longer slept restlessly. The tiredness of raising children could not be eased with the spit-wad dust dreams. The couple sank into deep exhausted sleep that could not be penetrated by dreams.

The Sisters Well Done were overcome by grief for their good deed gone bad. They realized there was nothing they could do to correct the mistake. Spring and maury made one more visit on Christmas Eve to the couple's home with the glimmer of hope, but when they arrived they were instead engulfed with sorrow and regret. The house was filled with sleeping children everywhere. The home was an utter mess of clothes and homemade toys. The kitchen was cluttered with towering dirty dishes, but the most disheartening sight was the absence of a Christmas tree or presents or stockings. The only sign of Christmas were a few Christmas cards scattered about. The couple had become too desolate to support all their many children.

The Sisters Well Done felt so ashamed for the trouble they had created. They fluttered into the night without saying a word to each other. They fluttered on into morning until they could flutter no longer. The next few years Spring and Maury remained in isolation never seen nor heard nor imagined in dreams.

It has only been recently that the Sisters Well Done have made their appearance. They decided to use their uniqueness as an advantage to make money. For their was no money for fairies in dream making. Since the Victoria Secret Angels have been so successful Spring and Maury are starting a new line of lingerie for Victoria as a strategy to raise money for the couple. This new line of lingerie is meant to be comfortable, but oddly sexy in a fairy kind of way.

So support the couple by buying Sugar Plum Yummy bras and underwear. You will make a child very happy for Christmas.



Sitting across the table receiving his words into a funnel of my ear processed, chewed, deciphered, rated, and relieved out my other ear. I stare examining his features determining my approval. The hairs from his face feather out like a lion's mane. There is no separation from his skin to his beard. It is all one cohesive piece.

I watch him speak, but I am not listening to the words. I am watching the movements of his mouth. His teeth perfectly straight and pearly white. Almost too perfect looking rather artificial. His lips thin barely pronounce definition from his teeth for when he smiles his mouth disappears. His teeth form the shape of joy.

I am mesmerized by his beard. The warmth of its colors. The fullness of each strand collected. His beard is a symbol of wildness more animal-like than human. Fiery and valiant. With the slightest penetration of white glorifying age with wisdom. As he laughs I await for a roar to join the tone. His eyes intense, yet gentle offering security as an assurance not to fear his untamed persona.

I listen to him with my eyes. I agree with my smiles. I am not so interested what he has to say as how he chooses to communicate. Watching him keeps me entertained as he lifts his eyebrows and raises his cheeks. To watch the small details of expression tickle underneath his cat-like mane.


As creatures of the earth we have been made by love, with love, for love. The conclusion for the most important element for life, is love. Love is binding. It is the glue to increase kindness, generosity, understanding, wisdom, patience, hope. Love will create happiness and wonder.

Then there is a life without love or love has been mutilated into a guise that is hardly recognizable. Love is no longer the form, but a consumer that is never satisfied. The love that has gone corrupt or never made the opportunity to bloom devours, lies, steals, and destroys.

Humans are designed to need love, to be fulfilled by love. However, as a culture we have allowed the privilege and the honor to be muted by selfish distain for ourselves. We have removed the purity, the innocence of a beautiful holy concept. We search in all the wrong places asking the wrong people for a gift that is incorrectly obtained. There is only one source to sustain all of our needs for love. Some spend their whole lives seeking this source. And some spend their whole lives determining whether or not to acknowledge the source.

I would fall in the later category. Not so much as acknowledging it as depending upon the source. Then the real conflict becomes about mind and spirit. My spirit yearns for one love, one source, one companion, one energy, one match.

This is my design, to need one. The conflict comes into play by waiting for this one and finding the one. I impatiently fill inn the gaps until the time comes creating, I fear, disillusionment, perhaps jaded, jaundiced incompetent view of love. I want to wait for this specialness to arrive at my door, for the thunder bolts to sound, for the curtains to part, and the lover to make a grand entrance, but I need to now and need be loved.

May I never loose the significance for the love of one. May I never loose the importance of one bond. May I never loose respect for the unity of love. May I never loose grasp of what true love means to me.


His build demonstrated strength, unwavering to weakness. yet in his stride and deep within his eyes spoke a shyness suspicious of irregular activity.

He glanced back and forth as he walked awaiting any surprises. he eased his way from one point to the next within his mind, but his feet commanded the stride determined to be proud as well as humble.

The effort however did not match his stare. his face neither handsome nor ugly. He was veiled with blankness, not from lack of intelligence. Quite the contrary, but lack of expression. Unable to show anger nor frustration could be apart of his infrastructure. As well he could not convey joy or pleasure either.

Because of this void of expression his presence could often be overlooked. Hiding his true nature from the world few were allowed to view the amiable goodness and valence of his character.


I am not entirely certain how the subject came up, but in the break room some co-workers and I started talking about mail order brides. Apparently, Russian women who are rather on the rough side are in desperate need of a non-Russian man. Chinese women are cute and usually a safe bet. Czechoslovakian just want to get out of the country.

The whole process of choosing buying and meeting a complete strange I find rather astounding. It seems so emotionally unattached. It does not seem very healthy. However, in a sense it is not all different from the days of prearranged marriages except matches were usually made within the same culture.

This makes me consider the idea is not to be so bogus after all. However what would I rather do: be the mail order bride or be the buyer?

As a mail order bride I could be brought into other countries. I would be well provided for. I could learn another language. Experience a whole another culture. I might luck out marry wealthy to have lots of freedom and travel. On the other hand, it could totally back fire. The family could be a nightmare. I am sent somewhere near the South Pole on the Russian side. I basically become an indentured servant sex machine and I eventually receive bad teeth because there is not dental services at the South Pole.

Now, if I buy the groom I can choose someone whose career could match my lifestyle. I could determine if we will have good looking children. I could be the dominate spouse because I bought him, which means I could boss him around as I please. make him clean, wash clothes, do yard work. if I want to take off for New Zealand for a week of paddling he will agree. If I want to snow ski in the Alps he will tag along. So I guess he better be fairly rich to support my habits, but he cannot be too involved with his work because we have places to go. He will always want to do what I want and he will never argue with me. his reply will always reply, "Yes, dear. I love you. You are so beautiful when you give orders." Of course, I will basically be marrying a robot, but who knows I might learn to like it.

Maybe I should marry a robot because I do not think it is possible to a find a man like I just described. Well, I might but he would not be very interesting. More like a card board-cut-out.

I wonder if there is even a man will to be a mail order groom. What do you think? If you are male would you be willing to do mail order? I bet you would have your stipulations as well. Might be best to stick with the whole dating thing, but fare more complicated. Then there is the route of ultimate singleness.

Well, I will have to give credit to mail order brides. You are ballsie for doing whatever it takes to abandon you situation in hopes of being offered a better one. It is not the kind of risk I am willing to take. Too many what ifs depending on a man never met. I think I have more need for being compatible.

However, I would try the dating game. It would be fun to ask ridiculous questions, like, " If I was a doe and you are driving in a truck at dusk. You have just hit me and I died. Would you eat me of hang my head on your wall? If yes, which room would I be in?" Or, "If we have been dating for a while and I find out you have been cheating on my with the cashier from the Piggly Wiggly so I decided to key your brand new Mercedes and dump manure on it. What would you do to me?" Then once I pick the guy and we go on our date I will pretend I am having hot flashes hollering about how I am on fire and order the most expensive items on the menu stuffing myself silly. Men like a woman with an appetite, right?


Walking along the coarse shore Alexi's feet geology's magic rub her feet raw. The pain caused her teeth to grit, but it was not so wholly unwelcome. The waves rolled in rhythm of her heart. She focused her attention to the sound slowing her thoughts then a crash from a wave awoke her trance reminding her of her present state-of-mind.

Alexi trembled the word, "help."

For such a small word it circumference all the meaning necessary to her thoughts.

Alexi waited. Waited for a miracle. THe mighty wind blew. The stars continued to shine. Silence from within.

Alexi had two options she could consider: run deep into the waters until exhaustion dominated or she could return to her home to live one more day. The cold waters came up to tickle her toes. The next current covered her feet. She felt heavy in the sand.

Alexi bowed her head. Took a deep breath, reached down to splash the salty water to her face. The bitter water burned her eyes and her throat gagged, but she felt alive.

Dusk surrounded her now. She glanced behind her to see the still darkened silhouettes. The darkness groaned at her spirit. She whipped around to the horizon line again. At that moment the sun made its peak. Slowly, slowly the sun shown her radiance glistening upon the rolling waves, sparkling over the sand, glowing upon Alexi's face. her body soaked the warmth finding her every bone and cell with light.

The light blinded her view. She squinted. Eventually her pupils adjusted to the light. Alexi took a few steps back and sat in the sand. She brought her knees to her chest watching the sun light the world with her rays. She watched having peace.


At the age of 26 one would think I have some idea of what I want to do. However, I seem to be clueless as many people my age are. We have been raised with particular values of our parents, but after intense scrutiny of their example their progeny are not exactly sure following in their footsteps is a good course to make. I see how my are tied down to things that seem like it possess them. I cannot say with certainty that they seem happy with this possession. They act more controlled by obligation and tradition-"This is how my parents lived. I better do the same."

Call me crazy but I do not see it necessary to get married, settle down, be tied to a job I care nothing about, have babies, then be owned by a house that becomes my ball and chain. God created a certain order to life, but I do not believe there is the same formula everyone must follow. I believe my God is not that boring. That anything is possible.

In searching for answers to the possible or from the impossible one must do a lot of soul searching and be very desperate. WIth desperation brings the heart of fulfillment. Last week I began a new stage of initiation. I drove down to Chattanooga State to start my nursing classes.

I need the opportunity to leave town to explore another avenue of my life. I believe that Boone is beautiful, but I have issues that are complicating right and wrong. A little vacation from my troubles brought a little relief. It gave me many hours of driving to think and think some more.

The initial visit to the college was an encouraging one as I met with an adviser. Ms. Green was very kind and supportive to my needs. I felt like I had received the answers I needed to complete my decision.

Afterwards, I drove through the city of Chattanooga determining if this was a twon that indeed I could live for two plus years. She is not the fanciest of cities, but she will be a good fit for the time I need her. I have been going back and forth for what to do and not to do these last few months. I am just content that there are motions starting to take flight. It is exciting to have something to look forward to, to have a goal I truly want to accomplish.

I know I am not meant or designed to live the typical American dream of marrying well, have a job that works me hard, but pays well as I juggle the kids' schedule while maintaining the home improvements to a house with a 30 year mortgage. No Spankyou!

My ideal life allows me to keep moving or traveling. If kids do become a possibility I home-school them. A permanent house is not necessary because I truly do not need an object to, in all honesty, own me. I want to teach my children with world experiences. I do not want them to be sheltered from how the rest of the world lives. I want to appreciate my heritage, but able to enjoy other cultures as well. There is such wonderful diversity amongst us, I want to experience it all.

Accumulating nursing skills will allow me to be of service to many organizations, whether nationally or international. I will definitely be documenting fulfilling my internal design. As I think about it I am filled with excitement of the possibilities. I have a new hope that offers me peace.

There are other details in the decision process, but I am hoping that will work out as I move along. One day at a time, I keep telling myself. Get myself in school, make it through school, pass the nursing board, get hired. One day at a time. Through God's strength alone I can achieve all things.


Because I have certain beliefs it is time for me to rant. As a Believer in Christ I am becoming rather annoyed by the continued rights that are being taken away. First, tell me where in the Constitution does it states, "Separation of Church and State." Second, any lawyer will tell you, if they are being completely honest, that Roe vs. Wade is bad law, yet innocent life is still allowed to be wiped out because no one wants to be responsible. Yet the same people who believe in free-choice condemn capital punishment condoning once irresponsibility. Hypocrisy!

Now argue all you want about the beliefs of Founding Fathers, but read their memoirs and clearly their faith in God is apparent. So please do not tell me this is not a country based on God and faith. Do not tell me I cannot pray or declare my faith on public land as every other organization is allowed to do. Do not tell me I have lost the right to educate my children when the public school systems has failed. Do not tell me godly morally correct principles can no longer be displayed because more or less it offends you that someone is saying you are not living life with good standards. Do not tell me my thoughts and opinions are ancient and narrow minded because you have formed a prejudice that I can not think outside the box when in fact the sky is the limit for my options and I act in obedience. Do not repute me because me because I believe in a higher deity full of love and mercy while you live to the rick of chance.



Winter has officially shown his smiling face in Boone. With 35 mph winds, 2-3 inches of now, rapidly dropping to temperatures, and rumors of traffic die to broken water mains and accidents I decided it best to walk home from work. I have a rear-wheel mid-size pick-up with bad traction. Had it been open roads I might have attempted the feet, but I did not trust other drivers and I did not trust my reaction to other drivers.

Bundled up as well as I can be for the unexpected I cut through the gusty winds, plow past the snow bomb-barring my face, encounter of a snowball propelled from an on-coming car, and trying to ignore the wind chill factor as best I can trekking an hour to get home. Then I get to the main street where it is relatively quiet. The street has been blocked off from vehicles allowing only sidewalk plows to clear the streets of snow and the few bold pedestrians racing home.

The movement of the street intrigues me. Christmas snow-flake lights hanging suddenly become one with the falling snow clothing the streets and buildings. The people hastily seeking the closest warmth, the plower on a mission to remove the snow speedily and effective out oxygen as a vessel motivated by sight. The world is white glowing by yellow flames towering the sidewalks. Beyond the roads are the black shapes of mountains doused by the blinking houses outlining the ridges.

The further I move from the city lights the more silence intensifies. I can hear snow falling. I can hear the snow landing. The silence penetrates my ears. The few street lights unaccounted are my escort home as I float with ease to my last remaining steps. The glistening snow of an untracked path is my gateway to home. Oh! Wonderful sweet warm home. She embraces me and I enjoy her comfort.

I can now officially grumble as an old person stating, "When I was your age I walked two/three miles through snow to and from work." As cold as the experience is there is something invigorating about the -1F wind chill taking your breath away as air is not necessary for life.

Though I rarely find myself comfortably warm. I feel myself entranced my the coldness. I allow the discomfort because I want to acknowledge my weakness. I want to seek to be strong. I want to prove I can do it.

I realize my decisions made will by my downfall. I can no longer avoid what I have done. I can wrestle with the truth, but ultimately the truth is binding. The cold truth has sneaked into my home, into my room. It stares me down informing me he knows. About the winter air nothing is hidden. The chill will expose the most sacred of secrets. The secrets of love. The secrets of loss. Secrets of denied heart. Secrets of a virtue's end. Secrets of lovers.

The weight of the cold presses upon me. I am feeling suffocated as warmth moves closer and closer. I do not say "yes," but "no" is not uttered either. I am surrounded by heat. It is my passions that keep me comfortable amongst the chilliest of nights. It is the coldest nights that bury my secrets deep below.

My uncomfortable agony has passed on as I look out the window watching lights move away. Chillness has returned to my room as its weight is upon my mind. Things seem complicated during the cold nights. However, there are other nights when I am filled with the pleasure of warmth.

As the night keeps passing the clouds have rolled on leaving the moon to reveal nature's glory. In darkness there is light, bright white silk in blue. Reflection upon refection illuminating the earth's surface. As the snow has stopped and the wind has calmed where peace is radiant. Stars cannot compete with the moon's glow. Something amazing needs to happen. Instead, I make a phone call among my secrets then I fall asleep to the sensation of cold.

The following morning is a different scenario from the previous day. As I make my way walking to work the town seems to have reawaken. Vehicles are free to drive the streets. People are feeding off the sunshine to keep their cold bodies moving. The sun is so bright that water, snow, ice strike with blinding glare. Snow blankets the ground proving winter wonderlands do exist.

I march briskly for there is still a mighty wind chill. I think of previous nights and how my opinions and thoughts are changing. I think of winter's arrival and my new coarse. I think of how it would be nice to have my cold numb face embraced. I think of my mistakes and my decisions to be made. I think of love moving along with hurt. I think of all the foolishness occurring on cold winter evenings.



Past the blackened cast
A beckon follows beside
She cannot run past it
Only watch it fade
To the glow of the moon
He offers his guidance
Along sparkling waters
Night becomes day in the shadows

Within the nights shadows
All secrets can hide, however
Moon will attempt to reveal them
His lasting strike sent upon his command
Radiating highlights piercing the land
He sends his messengers to follow me
As a slithering protector of light pressing strong

I roll up and down, to and fro
I can best see the protector by shimmering waters.
While creatures of night grasp sensations of day
I press on watching movement soak in the rays.
Life carries on all through the night
I fleeing from persistency showing my untold.


White lights blinding the thoughts
coming into and out of consciousness.
Beckoned to the world of dreams
Startled to the sphere of reality.

The blurs of pain arouse
images fade into hazy apparitions.
Swallowed into the deepness of night
regurgitate to the likeness of dusk.

A slumber wrecked by tossing and turning
When waiting only lengthens the sluggish hours
A hopefulness when daylight breaks
But the night's passing leaves its mark.

Fighting any urge to remain awake
Drowned into peace struggling to resist
The harassment of an untamed psyche
Ready to unleash the furry at the moment of surrender.

Oh! Restless will. Resist no more
Calm the storm of spirit and mind
The burden of fate as an unwelcoming fear
Shall die with the waking

Countless dreams and desires left to the living
Subconscious enigmas rial for the sleeping
When eyes have opened to the sun
The wallowing effects still linger on.


Destiny moves along tugging at our lives rotating directions: North, South, East, West. The lives that collide forming friends from molds of strangers to connect according to time. The moments cherished by the knowledge learned from different souls Experiences made. Experiences exchanged. We move circling each other.

Events take place, opportunities unfold, our neighbors grasp new heights to new hopes towards possibilities of any once unknown. The friends we had will soon be metaphors of the friends to come where new memories will be made. More memories exchanged.

To our dear neighbors we wish you the best. May adventures abound surpassing the greatest of expectations. May peace joy and love be your faithful companions to help overcome the trails yet to face. may honor, patience, integrity, trust be partners with your marriage. We will miss your company, your generosity, but are pleased you will spread your kindness to others.

Do not remain strangers forever. May our paths merge once more where again memories can be made and exchanged.

DECEMBER 12, 2006

Our struggle for righteous and evil. Our mental challenge for good and bad. We have truths built within our soul. We have righteousness mended into our Spirit. We have principle blended into our heart. However, we have been misguided for correctness conditioned to be corrosive. We have allowed ourselves to learn lies speaking in truth.

I know the truth. I know the rules. I know the righteous. And I know the judgment. I do not want to forget. I do not want to compromise. I do not want to be unable to feel convicted. I want to look forward. I want to practice patience. I want to be honorable.

But I am loosing. I am allowing myself to be defeated by my own worst enemy. Myself. I want what I should not, indulging in the destructible. My battle is never ending. My only options are to sink deeper and deeper, to hide, or to die.

I look for hope in myself, but see little reason for smiling. I know I can overcome, but my second battle is do I want to?

DECEMBER 13, 2006

Our souls in love turning and twisting towards directions unseen, untouched. We travel a mile a minute looking this way and that searching, but have not pin-pointed what. Though circumstances, blindness, achievements yet to reach our shapes have not come aligned. There is a voidness trying to cover the cracks of enigmas. Answers are not always pronounced where motion seems safer. Perpetual movement is necessary, but moments become lost missing what is before and surrounding. We will loose sight, but there is hope for an awakening.

Weightless souls floating aimlessly with the personified within aching restless hearts the soberness remains stagnant preventing euphoria's bloom. Clanking notes with no opus to follow. Our melodies will not ring true until the notes reflect the guidance from wondering paths.

Kindred souls cannot be denied, divided, or torn. Assemble to one another can be assured. Only time finds the judge of when. Where soul finds heart. Where heart finds love. Where love finds bliss.

Down with iPODS & MP3 players

The other day I went into a cd store browsing for new music to add to my collection. Normally I would not pay full retail price, but the was having close-out sales with 40-50% off. I browsed each aisle A-Z searching for names I have on my list as a must. Some of the band names I desired were missing so I moved on then there was an album I had been dying to own. Be long I had six cds in my arms. I could not possibly afford them all so I had to rate on level of importance.

It is a bit of a shame now how internet and iPods are changing the direction of music sales. My parents keep asking me if for Christmas would I like an iPod. Call me old fashion, but I just shrug off the suggestion. I like holding the cd tangibly in my hot little hands. I do not love the struggle of removing the shrink wrap then picking at the sticker strip, but it is still apart of the experience of buying new treasured music. Because then come the best part. Sliding/placing the cd in the cd player, turning the volume up, waiting for the first track to begin. With full approval the music sings, my excitement builds with each song. I follow along with the lyrics with the insert knowing exactly how to harmonize. During the musicians' rifts I gaze at the albums artwork approving or disapproving the coherency to the music's soul. I am completely submerged absorbing every meaning to the musician's emotion.

I can remember similar experiences occurring to my mother a couple of decades earlier purchasing Tracy Chapman and Paul Simon's Graceland. Over and over she listened. Under African Skies by Simon was her favorite as she had the volume turned up extra. No sooner would the song finish then she was there lifting the needle to play the song again. At Christmas while putting up the tree and decorating it we listened to the Drummer Boy album on the record player. There was a nostalgia about hanging ornament to the crackling static of the drumming chore.

The same record player I grew up listening to my Disney and Mothergoose songs, as well as Mom's albums of Paul Simon and Crosby, Still, Nash, and Young, I now own. None of the records I have bought. All the records in my possession belong to my mother, but I love pulling out the vinyl discs, placing it on the turn table, lowering the needle causing the table to spin. Then oh so carefully lowering the diamond to touch listening to the rumble as the needle picks up every flaw in static. The anticipation ends when the music plays. It allows me to hear the past as once current greats are now classics. I receive a sense of my parents history with the issues they faced and what was important. With the ancient larger stereo system I crank up the volume allowing me to feel the vibrations of past musicians' convictions as their emotions ring through my body.

I am older now with an appreciation for diverse music, however the acknowledgment of the iPod age disheartens me. Future generations will not have the opportunity to use all the senses to experience music if iPods take over. There will be no hardcopy for a young child to tangibly grasp the with greasy finger tips to place on the turn table. To try ever so gently bring the needle down without a boom. I can remember when I became of age receiving permission from Mom and dad, trusted enough, to play a record on my very own. Every time I held my breath as I cradled the needle's arm with my finger. With a whence I placed it down. Most often the scratch could be heard, but I breathed in relief when the percussion began to thunder then the strings accompanied in harmonious approval. My smile grew larger as I turned up the volume. I had in a strange minimal way helped create the music that now reigned.