
DECEMBER 13, 2006

Our souls in love turning and twisting towards directions unseen, untouched. We travel a mile a minute looking this way and that searching, but have not pin-pointed what. Though circumstances, blindness, achievements yet to reach our shapes have not come aligned. There is a voidness trying to cover the cracks of enigmas. Answers are not always pronounced where motion seems safer. Perpetual movement is necessary, but moments become lost missing what is before and surrounding. We will loose sight, but there is hope for an awakening.

Weightless souls floating aimlessly with the personified within aching restless hearts the soberness remains stagnant preventing euphoria's bloom. Clanking notes with no opus to follow. Our melodies will not ring true until the notes reflect the guidance from wondering paths.

Kindred souls cannot be denied, divided, or torn. Assemble to one another can be assured. Only time finds the judge of when. Where soul finds heart. Where heart finds love. Where love finds bliss.

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