

As creatures of the earth we have been made by love, with love, for love. The conclusion for the most important element for life, is love. Love is binding. It is the glue to increase kindness, generosity, understanding, wisdom, patience, hope. Love will create happiness and wonder.

Then there is a life without love or love has been mutilated into a guise that is hardly recognizable. Love is no longer the form, but a consumer that is never satisfied. The love that has gone corrupt or never made the opportunity to bloom devours, lies, steals, and destroys.

Humans are designed to need love, to be fulfilled by love. However, as a culture we have allowed the privilege and the honor to be muted by selfish distain for ourselves. We have removed the purity, the innocence of a beautiful holy concept. We search in all the wrong places asking the wrong people for a gift that is incorrectly obtained. There is only one source to sustain all of our needs for love. Some spend their whole lives seeking this source. And some spend their whole lives determining whether or not to acknowledge the source.

I would fall in the later category. Not so much as acknowledging it as depending upon the source. Then the real conflict becomes about mind and spirit. My spirit yearns for one love, one source, one companion, one energy, one match.

This is my design, to need one. The conflict comes into play by waiting for this one and finding the one. I impatiently fill inn the gaps until the time comes creating, I fear, disillusionment, perhaps jaded, jaundiced incompetent view of love. I want to wait for this specialness to arrive at my door, for the thunder bolts to sound, for the curtains to part, and the lover to make a grand entrance, but I need to now and need be loved.

May I never loose the significance for the love of one. May I never loose the importance of one bond. May I never loose respect for the unity of love. May I never loose grasp of what true love means to me.

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