

I am not entirely certain how the subject came up, but in the break room some co-workers and I started talking about mail order brides. Apparently, Russian women who are rather on the rough side are in desperate need of a non-Russian man. Chinese women are cute and usually a safe bet. Czechoslovakian just want to get out of the country.

The whole process of choosing buying and meeting a complete strange I find rather astounding. It seems so emotionally unattached. It does not seem very healthy. However, in a sense it is not all different from the days of prearranged marriages except matches were usually made within the same culture.

This makes me consider the idea is not to be so bogus after all. However what would I rather do: be the mail order bride or be the buyer?

As a mail order bride I could be brought into other countries. I would be well provided for. I could learn another language. Experience a whole another culture. I might luck out marry wealthy to have lots of freedom and travel. On the other hand, it could totally back fire. The family could be a nightmare. I am sent somewhere near the South Pole on the Russian side. I basically become an indentured servant sex machine and I eventually receive bad teeth because there is not dental services at the South Pole.

Now, if I buy the groom I can choose someone whose career could match my lifestyle. I could determine if we will have good looking children. I could be the dominate spouse because I bought him, which means I could boss him around as I please. make him clean, wash clothes, do yard work. if I want to take off for New Zealand for a week of paddling he will agree. If I want to snow ski in the Alps he will tag along. So I guess he better be fairly rich to support my habits, but he cannot be too involved with his work because we have places to go. He will always want to do what I want and he will never argue with me. his reply will always reply, "Yes, dear. I love you. You are so beautiful when you give orders." Of course, I will basically be marrying a robot, but who knows I might learn to like it.

Maybe I should marry a robot because I do not think it is possible to a find a man like I just described. Well, I might but he would not be very interesting. More like a card board-cut-out.

I wonder if there is even a man will to be a mail order groom. What do you think? If you are male would you be willing to do mail order? I bet you would have your stipulations as well. Might be best to stick with the whole dating thing, but fare more complicated. Then there is the route of ultimate singleness.

Well, I will have to give credit to mail order brides. You are ballsie for doing whatever it takes to abandon you situation in hopes of being offered a better one. It is not the kind of risk I am willing to take. Too many what ifs depending on a man never met. I think I have more need for being compatible.

However, I would try the dating game. It would be fun to ask ridiculous questions, like, " If I was a doe and you are driving in a truck at dusk. You have just hit me and I died. Would you eat me of hang my head on your wall? If yes, which room would I be in?" Or, "If we have been dating for a while and I find out you have been cheating on my with the cashier from the Piggly Wiggly so I decided to key your brand new Mercedes and dump manure on it. What would you do to me?" Then once I pick the guy and we go on our date I will pretend I am having hot flashes hollering about how I am on fire and order the most expensive items on the menu stuffing myself silly. Men like a woman with an appetite, right?

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